
How to Decorate Cubicle With Fabric Walls

Let's face it, cubicles leave a lot to be desired when it comes to style. Sure, they're a great workspace solution for an office, but they're not going to win any design awards.

Which is a shame, because most office workers spend at least eight hours of a day staring at those boring gray walls and faux wood desks.

Be a pioneer in your office by turning your cube from drab to fab with a few easy tips.

Kelley Moore, the author of "Cube Chic" offered plenty of suggestions in a recent Orlando Sentinel article, including:


1. Choose a theme
Your cubicle will look more refined if you approach decorating it with a central idea. Flip through decorating magazines or catalogs with furniture you like and see which styles catch you eye, then translate those concepts into your cubicle. Here are a few theme ideas:

  • Beach
  • Black and white
  • Contemporary
  • Camping
  • Cottage
  • Islands
  • Sports
  • Vintage
  • Western


2. Cover the walls
Obviously, you can't bring in a gallon of paint and a roller to cover up the ho-hum cubicle walls, so you're going to have to rely on a little creativity. Moore suggests using anything from wallpaper to fabric to craft paper to cover up the walls and hanging it with double-sided or velcro tape.

3. Make it personal
Adding personal touches to your workspace can give people an idea of who you are outside the office. Leave a framed picture or two of family members or friends who make you smile or design a cool mouse pad with your favorite movie quote or sports team logo.

4. Accessorize
Look for pieces that will add interest and tie in with your theme, while also making your cube more homey. Toss a throw rug on the floor to cover up the ugly industrial carpet, add a desk lamp for less harsh lighting, bring in a small plant or some fresh flowers.

5. Keep it clean
Organizing your workspace will note only make you more efficient, but it will also help make your desk look more inviting. Ditch the standard-issue plastic trays and cup holders and look for wall hangers, baskets and other unique storage that coordinate with your overall theme.

6. Check with human resources
Before making any big changes to your workspace, check in with your HR rep to make sure whatever you have planned is allowed. There might be office regulations on things like extra lighting, plants or what you can hang up.


1. Add clutter
Be careful not to add too many knickknacks – your desk is first and foremost a workspace, so you don't want a lot of extra items that could potentially distract you from your job.

2. Be inappropriate
Keep in mind that customers, managers and co-workers will all see your cubicle every day, so make sure whatever theme you choose is work appropriate – this isn't the time to re-create your favorite dive bar or design a shrine to Megan Fox complete with her latest Maxim photo shoot and candles.


3. Go overboard
If your dream cubicle renovations would require the use of power tools, you might need to scale it back. Creating a replica of the porch you watched sunsets from during your vacation to Bermuda might look take your cube to the next level, but your co-workers might not be too happy about it blocking the aisle not to mention having to listen to the squeak of the swing you installed.

Wallpaper photo courtesy of Bamboo and casino courtesy of Bar photo courtesy of

How to Decorate Cubicle With Fabric Walls


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