
Like Midday Sunsets Lyrics Stepping Into Love Again

howcouldanyoneHere are the lyrics to the ten songs included on Libby's compilation CD
How Could Anyone. For use of whatsoever of these songs, please come across Request Use of Libby's Songs on the abode page.


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1988
BMI All Rights reserved.
From If You See a Dream
How could anyone ever tell you
Yous were annihilation less than beautiful?
How could anyone e'er tell you
You were less than whole?
How could anyone neglect to detect
That your loving is a phenomenon?
How securely you're connected to my soul?


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1989
BMI. All rights reserved.
From If You See a Dream
Go to sleep, welcome the night
I will be here in the morning lite
Slip into dreams, you've done all that y'all can
I'll hold y'all hear in the dawn.
Sunset in your state, sunrise in mine
Lay down your torso, feel mine begin to ascent
Sunset in my state, sunrise in yours
I feel you at that place in the dawn.
The forces facing us are terrible indeed
My hope may flicker in the night
Only in the morning I volition plant another seed
And while yous slumber information technology seeks the light.
Get to sleep…
There are no promises that we volition meet the solar day
The dreams we alive for will succeed
But I can promise you that half 'way round the globe
I'll concur the low-cal up while you sleep
Nosotros need a quiet identify to let our spirits be
Somewhere that we are condom from harm
And so my beloveds, equally the moonbeams touch the body of water
Remainder in the cradle of the dawn
Go to sleep…
I'll agree y'all here in the dawn
Rest in the cradle of dawn.

Depression TO THE Ground

Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved
From Thinking Like a Mount

We stand on the edge of a cliff in the deepest dark I've ever seen
People looking for light, people who cherish a dream
But the light's shining out from our eyes and the dream'southward resting deep in our souls
If information technology'due south magic we're needing to keep us from falling, it'southward magic nosotros already know
It's music that keeps the states live, information technology'southward dancing that sets our hearts costless
Information technology'southward children recollect the laughter in life, it'south animals teach us to see
Stay low to the footing, live close to the earth, don't stray very far from your soul
It's uncomplicated things show u.s. the reason we're hither and it's simple things keeping us whole.
Tell me the place you were built-in, the lives your ancestors led
The ground that surrounded the people y'all dearest, the streams from which you were fed
Information technology's the wind that carries the seed, and the seed that carries the song
The nutrient that we're eating is rooted in soil, and information technology's soil that is keeping u.s.a. strong
Information technology's music….
The temples are falling around the states, nosotros stand up strong and fierce where they've been
I never accept seen a holier sight than a person who sings in the wind
Our blood is the river of life, our joy is the sun on the land
All of the honey that is within this heart is more i person tin stand up
And information technology'southward music…


Words and music past Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved.
From If the Globe Were My Lover

If the world were my lover I would ask her to dance
Under skies filled with thunder and with lightning and flame
If the earth were my lover I would wrap her in leaves
And build her a shelter at the close of the solar day
If the world were my lover I would lay downwardly abreast her
And caress her with laughter and with roses and rain
If the globe were my lover I would never forsake her
I would always remember her name.
If the earth were my lover and I told her a lie
I would search through the danger for the source of the pain
If the world were my lover and I lashed out in fear
I would fight similar a warrior to redeem her again
If the world were my lover, even deep in my anger
I would always forgive her, never leave her to blame
If the world were my lover I would never forsake her
I would always remember her name.
And I would do the same for you, the aforementioned for you, for you are of my earth
And I will do whatever I must practice, whatever to be true, to a lover of such dazzler
If the world were my lover I would venture my life
To endeavour and protect her confronting hunger and pain
If the earth were my lover I would walk by her side
Every step a reminder that her heart knows the way
If the globe were my lover I would hold her so tender
Every bit she wept at the horrors that I cannot explain
If the world were my lover I would never forsake her
I would always remember her name.
And I would practice the same for you, the same for you, for y'all are of my world
And I will do whatever I must practise, whatever to be truthful, to a lover of such beauty
Sing for me, sing, for we always will be deep in the heart of mysterious love
If the world were my lover I would fight to be truthful
To the passion inside her, to the source of the flame
If the earth were my lover I would know in my soul
That her centre is a burn only wildness can tame
If the earth were my lover I would see myself shining
Knowing deep downward within her, nosotros are one and the same
If the world were my lover I would never forsake her
I would always call back her name.


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1997
BMI. All rights reserved.
From Lay information technology All Down

I come up from a long line of expressionless people
I come from a tall pile of bones
My people lie sleeping all under the earth
Their souls turn to roots, leaves and stones.
My grandpa went by whiskey in an 50.A. hotel
His dad died of Ohio coal
And before him, and before that, they slipped under the ground
Fewer basic walk above than below.
My swell grandmother's eyes stare out from my face
Her skinny bones dance around in my clothes
You tin can near hear the whisper of her sugariness southern vocal
In this voice I've been calling my own.
A toast to the living, walk usa walk downwards the aisle
So these basic can be married to the flesh for awhile.
A song, a song for the living, though the flesh worries when
These basic will exist leaving to join family again.
I come from a long line of expressionless people….


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved
From Thinking Similar a Mountain

Thinking like a mountain and trusting like the dawn
Raging like a wildfire and loving like the blackness-necked swan
Moving similar the lightning and dreaming like a stone
Thinking like a mountain, honey, we will get in home.
Thinking like a mount and breathing like a whale
Bending like the birch trees when the heavens blow nosotros cannot neglect
Roaming similar a turtle, growing like a seed that'due south sown
Thinking like a mount, honey, nosotros volition arrive home
Make information technology home, like a mountain, make information technology home, like a stone
Find the mountain deep within your heart, nobody is alone
The wilderness calls out our names from deep inside our basic
And thinking like a mountain, honey, nosotros will brand it home.
Sentinel the hawkeye circle, smell the conduct upon the land
Feel the ocean, hear the current of air, our bodies understand
With spirits open to the sky and feet on living ground
Thinking like a mount we will turn this thing effectually
Thinking like a mountain we will plough this thing around
Thinking similar a mountain and yielding like a stream
Patient equally a porcupine and steady equally an evergreen
Singing like the wild geese as they wend their mode along
Thinking like a mountain, honey, we will make information technology home.
Arrive abode…
Find the mountain deep within your heart, it'due south calling yous back dwelling!


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved
From Thinking Like a Mountain

We're facing the guns once again, nosotros accept faced them before
Humanity's longing after and so many deaths
For something more than human than war
Just office of me whispers "Have your body and run away.|
Leave the vision to somebody else," so I hear myself say,

I'd rather be dancing at the edge of my grave.
I'd rather be property you close as we march forrard loving and brave.
I'd rather be singing in the face of my fearfulness.
I'd rather exist dancing in front of the guns every bit long as I'm here.
Life is so dangerous that at that place's footling to fear
Life is and then possible, every breath a frontier
They've brought out the guns once over again 'cuz they haven't a clue
That we could be dancing, the whole human race, each one must cull
And I'd rather exist dancing at the edge of my grave…

To the pulsate of my heartbeat pounding up through my feet
With millions of lovers urging me on every bit nosotros accept to the streets
Every bit we face the terror, if I leave here before my fourth dimension
One thing's for certain, I'll go dancing and I'll go alive!
And I'd rather be dancing at the border of my grave…


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1988
BMI. All rights reserved.
From If Yous See a Dream
Rosa call to me, she say, "Don't you take the back of no bus.
Every woman here deserves respect, ain't null besides skillful for us, sweet women,
Zip too skillful for us.
Nikki Giovanni she tell it like information technology is, she say, "Ooooh,
When yous're black like me you are queen of the earth,
Ain't nothing besides rich for you, sweet women, ain't nothing also rich for you."
And Shirley, she pound her fist, she say, "No other voices will do.
Women of color got to speak for themselves. Ain't nobody smarter than you,
Sweet women, ain't nobody smarter than you."
And Fannie, Fannie Lou Hamer, say "People deserve enough food
And everybody got the right to vote. Ain't nobody amend than you,
Sweet women, ain't nobody better than you."
Audre Lorde, surviving cancer, speaking then articulate and so truthful,
She say "With women'south love and your own bold vision,
Ain't zip likewise scary for y'all, sweet women, nothing too scary for y'all."
Singing Rosa…
Winnie Mandela, her fist held high, she say, "My people are going to be free.
Racism trying to brand me dice, but ain't null too big for me, sweet women,A
Own't cipher too big for me."
And Alice, Alice Walker, writing u.s. all back domicile
She say, "Get in search of your mothers' gardens
And notice yourself your own, sweet women, detect yourself your ain.

Singing Rosa…
Women, if we're going to be free, it's got to be all of u.s.a. or none
While racism lives nosotros all stay in chains, ain't none of united states of america brand it alone,
Sugariness women, ain't none of united states of america brand it alone.
Singing Rosa…


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved.
From If the Earth Were My Lover

I'yard digging mode down, downwards to the bottom of my soul
I'thou excavation style downwardly, mode down deep
I'yard digging way downwardly, down to the bottom of my soul
In that location's clear water running through me.
Own't got no answers, got a whole lotta questions and
Nothing on the surface seems to satisfy me
Can't discover information technology on the outside, got to feel it on the inside and
Dig down deeper in the mystery.
And so I am, I'm earthworks mode downward…
When terror strikes me in the middle of the night
And even arms effectually my body can't condolement me
My heart is thirsting for that cool beverage of water
Got to pull out my shovel, become decorated
So I am, I'm excavation way down…
Cool, articulate water flowing through me
Washing all my fears away
Cool, clear water flowing through me
Moving me up, moving me upward towards the lite of twenty-four hours
When daybreak finds me in the morning light
And it's hard to hold onto what set me free
I get down to the river 'cuz it helps me remember
To dig downwardly deeper in my time of need.
And then I am, I'one thousand excavation way down…


Words and music past Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1997
BMI. All rights reserved.
From Lay information technology All Down

Lay information technology all downwardly when you can't agree information technology
Let information technology all autumn, set it all free
When the night falls and information technology grows common cold in
The midst of the journey and you fall to your knees
Sometimes ii legs merely can't concord the states
Sometimes 2 arms are only too weak
Lay information technology all down when yous can't hold information technology
Let your life carry y'all similar a gunkhole on the sea.
Similar a boat on the sea that has slipped all its moorings
Like a boat on the sea with no wind in its sails
Like a boat on the bounding main drifting far from the harbor
With non even a thimble for the drifter to bail.
Lay it all downwardly when you lot can't hold it
Permit it all autumn, fix it all free
When y'all are lost, down to the os and
Y'all're calling for mercy, calling out "delight,"
Sometimes 2 legs only can't agree us
Sometimes ii artillery are only besides weak
Lay it all down when you tin't hold it
Let your life acquit you similar a boat on the sea.
Yous turn to the east, nothing but bounding main
You turn to the west, no sign of the shore
You turn to the south, water to the horizon
You don't even need to plow to the north
Like a boat on the sea…
Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved
From Thinking Like a Mountain
Thinking like a mount and trusting like the dawn
Raging like a wildfire and loving similar the black-necked swan
Moving like the lightning and dreaming like a stone
Thinking like a mountain, beloved, we volition go far home.
Thinking like a mountain and breathing similar a whale
Bending like the birch trees when the heavens accident nosotros cannot fail
Roaming like a turtle, growing similar a seed that'due south sown
Thinking similar a mountain, honey, we will get in home
Make it home, similar a mountain, make it dwelling, like a stone
Find the mount deep within your heart, nobody is alone
The wilderness calls out our names from deep within our bones
And thinking like a mountain, honey, we will brand it home.
Watch the eagle circle, aroma the touch on the land
Feel the ocean, hear the wind, our bodies understand
With spirits open to the heaven and anxiety on living ground
Thinking like a mount we will turn this thing around
Thinking similar a mount we will turn this thing around
Thinking like a mountain and yielding similar a stream
Patient as a porcupine and steady every bit an evergreen
Singing similar the wild geese equally they wend their way along
Thinking like a mountain, dearest, we will make it home.
Brand it home…
Find the mountain deep within your heart, it's calling you lot back home!


Words and music past Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved
From Thinking Like a Mount

We're facing the guns once again, we have faced them before
Humanity'south longing later so many deaths
For something more human being than war
But part of me whispers "Take your body and run away.|
Get out the vision to somebody else," so I hear myself say,

I'd rather be dancing at the border of my grave.
I'd rather be property yous close as we march forward loving and brave.
I'd rather be singing in the face up of my fear.
I'd rather exist dancing in front of the guns as long as I'1000 here.
Life is so dangerous that in that location's fiddling to fearfulness
Life is so possible, every breath a frontier
They've brought out the guns once again 'cuz they haven't a inkling
That we could exist dancing, the whole human race, each 1 must choose
And I'd rather exist dancing at the edge of my grave…

To the drum of my heartbeat pounding up through my feet
With millions of lovers urging me on as we have to the streets
As we face the terror, if I leave hither before my fourth dimension
1 affair'due south for certain, I'll become dancing and I'll go alive!
And I'd rather be dancing at the border of my grave…


Words and music past Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved
From Thinking Like a Mountain

I am continuing at a crossroads, my center is in my hands
In all the four directions an endless menstruum of land
A full moon shines above me, the rain pours downwards like burn
May the colors of the rainbow be my guide.|
Once in a very blue moon, twice in a very red rage

Three times in a snowfall white passion I burst the walls of this cage
Once in a very blue moon, twice in a very red sky
Three times in a coal-black evening I spoke the words of goodbye
As I await into your very blueish eyes, I stand up here wondering why
Once in a very blue, once in a very blue moon
Once in a very blue moon.
You are standing at the crossroads, deciding where to go
The fields are ripe with harvest, your feet are deep in snow
A bright dominicus to a higher place you, your optics are raining tears
May the colors of the rainbow be your guide
Once in a very bluish moon, twice in a very red rage
Iii times in a snow white passion, I burst the walls of this cage
Once in a very blue moon, twice in a very ruby sky
Three times in a coal-black evening I spoke the words of bye
As you await into my very blueish eyes, yous stand there wondering why
Once in a very blueish, once in a very blue moon

Once in a very blue moon

Reach out your hand, tell me you dear me, give me a sign, evidence me the way
Lend me your vox, heavens in a higher place me, earth is below, I've got nothing to say
Open up my mind, open the floodgates, open the door, open the fashion
Achieve out your paw, tell me you love me, tell me goodbye
I am standing at the crossroads, my eye is torn in two
I am thinking of my own life, I am thinking just of you
My legs grown into tree roots, my heart is at present the moon
May the colors of the rainbow be our guide
One time in a very blue moon, twice in a very red rage
3 times in a snow white passion, I burst the walls of this cage
One time in a very bluish moon, twice in a very ruddy sky
Iii times in a coal-blackness evening I spoke the words of bye
Every bit you lot look into my very blue optics, yous stand there wondering why
Once in a very blue, in one case in a very bluish moon

Once in a very blue moon


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1990
BMI. All rights reserved

Child of two families, I've held her all her life
She asks, "Can I become live with dad and his new wife?"
I watch her face up comatose, I sit on the bed and weep
And when she awakens, I say, "Get."
Go where your heart is leading, get, I tell you, get

Go, though my heart is pleading to pull you back in, to never let go
Where the sunday ascension beckons, go, where the dream awakens
Get where your middle is leading, go.
Closer than all the world, this precious friend to me
At present she is longing a much wider world to see
I sentinel her speak her dreams and I see the light they bring
And when she asks me, I say, "Go."
Get where your eye is leading….
Go with the wind, my love, fly with the wind my love, go with the air current, the wind, the wind, the wind, the current of air, my love, go!
Lying in a hospital, a nurse takes his pulse
This homo, my father, taught me run and build and trust
Now he must fight to exhale, I come across that he wants to leave
And I take his hand and whisper, "Go."
Go, where your heart is leading….


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1990
BMI. All rights reserved

I know I'm merely human, and I'm glad that I am
Nosotros're non made to live separate, that's not part of the plan
And I want you so shut to me, merely I understand
That your heart is agape, many times been betrayed, so I offer my hand
Come on into my neighborhood, walk right upwardly to my door

Come on into my living room, I tin can't say any more
Nosotros tin can turn all the lights down depression, that's a place nosotros tin can start
Here's a fundamental, come up on in, let's begin to begin, come on into my heart.
At present I knew when I met yous nosotros were two of a kind
There's a wildness within of you that might even friction match mine
But I've noticed with wild things, that they're often quite shy
And they're wary of snares when they're caught unawares, but solitary they tin dice
Come on into my neighborhood…
At present I never would hold y'all dorsum, though my centre it might pause
'Crusade I've tasted the wilderness and I live past its grace
But I want you beside me at present, simply to concord for a time
Oh, my door's open broad, honey please come up within, touch your wildness to mine
Come on into my neighborhood….
Hither'southward a key, come up on in, permit's brainstorm to brainstorm, come on into my heart. Honey I'll allow you in, let' begin to begin, come up on into my centre.

HOLY Thing TO Honey

Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved

It'southward a homo matter, a holy thing, to love what death tin have
It's a human affair to love the thing whose loss volition cause your heart to break
Information technology'due south a funny thing we can't finish ourselves even as we wait for the final hush
It's a human thing, a funny thing, a holy thing to love
I once loved a human being and then watched him sideslip abroad

A fist smashed through my grand pattern, I would sit alone and I could not pray
But sometimes on a sleepless dark, silent and frozen inside my fears
The angels came and circled me and sang the song only spirit hears
Have y'all seen how the earth moves on? Every mitt we touch will go
Every face we cherish will disappear, taking everything that we used to know
But somewhere deep inside our basic we must be tied to the morning star
For knowing that our hearts volition break, we dearest each other all the more
It's a human being thing….


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1986
BMI. All rights reserved

Daylight comes and night goes, nighttime falls, solar day flies
Round and round the bicycle goes, we live and then we die and so we live and and so we die.
The seasons of my life go round, the sunshine and the rain
The fallow and the fruitful days, the joy and so the pain and then the joy and so the hurting.
Equally light below, so light higher up, and so calorie-free in all we run across

The light is in the act of love, the light that sets united states costless, yes, information technology's the light that sets costless.
Daylight comes…


Words and music past Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1990
BMI. All rights reserved

I am telling myself lies, emotion in disguise
No welcome in my optics in the mirror
My center has gone behind, daring me to find
The One who is notwithstanding kind, tin can y'all hear Her?
I am telling myself lies.

Tell me, have you seen her there, the one with the distant stare?
Who just does non seem to care, a child all alone
Practise yous know where she sleeps at dark, when heartache consumes the light?
And her bird has escaped in flight, have you seen her go home?
I am telling myself lies, no need to advertise the murder of suprise
I keep grin
An evening filled with pain, we talk about the rain
Politeness will sustain all our dying
I am telling myself lies.
Exercise you know where she goes by day
When money has all the say
And she cannot find a fashion to talk like others do?
Practice you know how she finds her food
Where the language is raw and crude
And the people take all withstood
Have you seen her go home?

I am telling myself lies, at that place is no compromise
I am not civilized, no such mercy
The tenderest appeal, forgotten how to feel
Forgetting that nosotros kneel as a breathing
I am telling myself lies.


Words and music past Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1990
BMI. All rights reserved

Is that what you actually want or did nobody ask you?
Is that what you really think or did nobody care?
Is that who yous really are or did nobody notice?
Is that what you really want or did nobody cartel?
Are these your nearly precious dreams or did you go out them backside you?

When you lot were a young one, just to become through?
Is it money y'all really need or someone to come find you?
Hold on darling, I am coming for you
Practise you need another beer or should I merely hold you?
Do yous need some other child or a dream for the world?
Is it sex that y'all actually need or are your search for god herself?
Have you painted a picture of you as a male child, equally a daughter?
Remember the playground dreams that kept u.s.a. enraptured?
The male child who would dance his life, the girl who could fly
The longing to impact and exist touched, the burning for life
The passion to accept it all deep downwardly inside
Is that what you really want or did nobody ask you?
Is that who y'all really are, simply to run with the oversupply?
Is that what you really love, or did nobody ask you lot?
Well, if nobody asked you, I am asking you now.
For in one case we can meet the dream we will go there somehow.


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1991
BMI. All rights reserved
From Thinking Like a Mountain

We stand up on the edge of a cliff in the deepest dark I've ever seen
People looking for low-cal, people who cherish a dream
Only the low-cal's shining out from our eyes and the dream'due south resting deep in our souls
If information technology's magic nosotros're needing to keep us from falling, it'due south magic we already know
It's music that keeps the states alive, it's dancing that sets our hearts gratis
It'south children remember the laughter in life, it's animals teach united states to run across
Stay depression to the ground, live close to the earth, don't devious very far from your soul
It'south simple things show us the reason we're here and information technology'due south simple things keeping us whole.
Tell me the place y'all were born, the lives your ancestors led
The ground that surrounded the people you beloved, the streams from which you were fed
It's the wind that carries the seed, and the seed that carries the song
The food that we're eating is rooted in soil, and it's soil that is keeping usa strong
It'due south music….
The temples are falling around us, we stand potent and fierce where they've been
I never have seen a holier sight than a person who sings in the current of air
Our claret is the river of life, our joy is the lord's day on the land
All of the love that is inside this heart is more than i person tin stand
And information technology's music…


Words and music by Libby Roderick
c Libby Roderick Music 1984
BMI. All rights reserved
From Thinking Like a Mountain

I am standing on a stack of defenses acting two times my size
She is continuing on the ground in forepart of me asking me "Why?"
Caught between a rock and a soft place
I am struggling to salve my face from showing how much I care
Defenseless between a rock and a soft place
Sometimes joining this human race is virtually too much to deport
Then I answer sincerely a very polite and absolute prevarication
And disregarding all forms of civilized manners she asks again "Why?"
Caught between a rock and a soft place
I accept to defend my space then I tin still accept in air
Caught between a rock and a soft place
Of a sudden there is non a trace of safety left anywhere
Caught betwixt a stone and a soft place
I tin can tell by the expect on her face she's got feelings to spare
Caught between a stone and a soft place
No luck, I'll but accept to face, what I did wasn't fair
Caught between a stone and a soft identify
I slowly stop building my case and start feeling what's in that location
Caught betwixt a rock and a soft place
Suddenly I come face to face with my own private scare
So I bravely admit my horrendous beliefs and hope to die
Another result comes upwardly and all of a sudden I'yard asking her "Why?"
Defenseless betwixt a stone and a soft place
She is certain she is a disgrace, so she's putting on airs
Caught between a rock and a soft place
Who knows maybe ane of these days, we'll accept a soft place to share
This is my promise and my prayer, say a prayer for me, ooh, heaven help usa to dare.
©2005 Libby Roderick. All Rights Reserved.


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